Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So dumb i look this job , BORED !

 Sincerely By Meen Mansor . Hahaa yeah now officially with a big gladdy i told to my boss wanna make a resignation from that job . As you alls know in the past 2nd entry that i had posted , i talking about job , mumbling about customer , service in marketing and blaa blaa nahhh . Act , dah lama dah jadi Cik Penanam Anggur kt ladang belakang rumah yang tak berapa besar dan gembur itu , since January 24th . I really hates that job that i used to be a good promoter as was asked from my boss , she said you must keep in smilling , greet customers nicely , nahhh memang penat la 24hour nk senyum je kann haha gila . Firstly rasa excited la kerja kt situ sebab nampak mcm rileks dan tak memenatkan . 

Once boss train I psl work yg kena manage pun nampak seperti aku nak asik "petik jari dan makan kacang" hahaa , Tapi itu bukan sebenarnya yg aku nak in work time ! I minat kerja yg mcm rushing gituu , mcm acara trek marathon yg pas pas tuhh hahaa , apa tah nama acara tu dah lupa aku , lama sangat meninggalkan dunia Olahraga . Boss pernah tanya I cenggini :

Madame : “Why are you making that face?
Me :“Cause I’m boored.”
ngeeheee ;-D 
gilaa berani aku jawab mcm tuu , tak pasal pasal , You Fired ! haha

nak buat mcm mana dah betul laa boooring gila , mana tak nyaa , kerja just duduk rileks dgr lagu , baca paper , magazine . nAHHHHH bored ! aku tak suka buat benda yg aku tak suka , grr apa aku mumble nih .
sebab I sorang je yg jaga , setiap kali masuk kerja I juga yg Open , I juga yg pegang kunci ( mcm boss dah )
Heh , then kemas stok kalau ada yg bersepah . Betulkan mana baju hang tak betul . Boss akan dtg time petang dalam pukul 3 or 4 something , dia dtg utk tgk sales je . Then dia blah sebab dia bnyk urusan di luar .
Busy Woman betul , grr ! Then I continue kerja meronggeng kt kedai lain , APA LAGI usha butik lain laaa , hahaa . Hobi I time kerja mmg suka kacau staff sebelah , borak kosong mcm bullshit gossip dgn farah Syakira . Customer masuk , baru aku serve , haih teruk kn aku . hahaa !

Nahhh , cenggitu laa kerja I kt GM , boss kata kena pandai serve customers , mesti kena fikir trick customers sampai buat jd sale hah ! Aku mmg tak teror bab tricks in sales . I try to be , but tak boleh gak paksa customer beli , dan bukan setiap hari rezeki dtg . heh ! Pendek kata aku tak suka Promoter baju or whatever stuff . leceh ! Yee ada org kata ,  cuba laaa sesuatu baru even kita tak suka perkara tu , mana tahu boleh jadi sebati dlm diri , kena pandai la buat "bater" jgn sampai "bergentel" . nahhh faham kan ? thanks to Namek for the advices . I cuba yee , cuba mengelak kan nyaa haha . tgk laa =,=

Here I have something want to shares with you ;

How do you keep from getting bored at a job :
look at the positive side of things:
  • you actually have a job. There are people that are too lazy to even go out and find one
  • even though you may not enjoy your job, try and do your best, that way you may get a promotion or something good may come along which will make you enjoy it
  • maybe the job you have isn't the job for you, try and find a new one that you may enjoy more

1 comment:

  1. boleh pakai ke tips kt atas tu haha memandai je I bagi tips cenggitu ;p
